Hospitals have been getting some negative attention recently as a result of their high rates of infection. That is why it is good to hear that they are stepping up efforts to fight MRSA, one of the worst “superbugs” that infect patients in hospitals.
Their efforts can be boiled down to two categories: testing and hygiene. They are trying to make it a common practice to test surfaces and equipment and patients for the presence of these bugs. They are also encouraging hygiene by placing alcohol sanitizer dispensers in hallways and outside patient rooms, and by placing secret observers to watch if their doctors and nurses are washing their hands as often as they are supposed to.
Patients cannot do very much to ascertain whether or not their hospital is testing for MRSA, but hygiene is often much more obvious. A careful patient or family member should watch and see if there are sanitizer dispensers in their hospital’s hallways, and if the healthcare providers are taking advantage of these dispensers. You should not hesitate to ask if the doctor or nurse has washed their hands, or to complain if you know that they have not. Such basic measures can prevent deadly infections.