In the links below, visitors to our website will find true stories of medical malpractice that happened to our law firm’s clients. Each case is presented because of important lessons it carries for healthy patients who want to avoid tragedies for themselves and their families. We also offer a true history of hospital infections for the lessons it brings to bear on the systemic problems the health care industry faces in cleaning up its infection problem.
Death at Birth: A Tragedy Caused by Overwork and Undertraining
The Patrick Malone firm represented the family of Keren Kipoliongo, a baby girl who died in her mother’s womb just minutes before the successful Cesarean section delivery of her twin sister Gabrielle.
A True Story of Aneurysm Medical Malpractice
Lyn Gross’s story has important lessons about the importance of teamwork in a hospital where high-risk brain surgery is conducted, and about how patients need to be aware of the rivalry among different types of specialties for their surgical business.
Anatomy of a Brain Injury Lawsuit
Sharon Burke’s story shows how a misunderstanding between two specialists – in her case, a neurologist and a radiologist – can lead to a tragic preventable injury. Hers was made worse by individual acts of negligent care by the two doctors, along with their failure to communicate with each other.
Some History about Hospital Infections
To understand the modern scandal of hospital infections, it helps to know that the history of efforts to get doctors to wash their hands dates back to a cranky obstetrician in Vienna, Austria in 1846.
Medical Malpractice and Informed Consent
Unnecessary Surgery: the Importance of One Good Hand
When the Doctor Didn’t Listen to the Patient
Consult with an Experienced Malpractice Attorney
If you believe you or a family member has been seriously injured from medical malpractice, medical error, or neglect by a doctor, hospital, nurse, clinic, nursing home or other health care provider, you may want to click here to contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney for a free evaluation of your case. You can also email us at or call us at 202-742-1500 or 888-625-6635 toll-free. We will respond within 24 hours. There is no charge for our initial consultation.