This patient suffered brain damage after an ear surgeon inadvertently penetrated the floor of the brain. The series of CT scan images down the left side are all taken in the horizontal plane, at slightly different levels of the brain (arranged from top to bottom). The back of the head is at the bottom of each image, and the eyes and nose are at the top. (The images are tilted in the middle column to show where they were taken from in the patient’s head.) Look at the bottom image on the left. This is the lowest in the series. You can see the patient’s ears on either side of the skull. On the right side, next to the ear, you can see a small black hole that appears to be in the skull itself. Adjacent to this hole is an oval, irregular area of white, extending up and to the left. This is blood. As the images move higher in the brain, the hole moves from the skull to the brain itself. This shows that the surgeon penetrated the brain at an upward and inward angle, as reconstructed on the right, and that the penetration caused extensive bleeding in the brain. The patient suffered permanent brain damage. He brought a successful medical malpractice lawsuit against the ear surgeon.
Additional Information
Anatomy of a Brain Injury Lawsuit.
Brain Injury Lawsuits: Track Record of Patrick Malone & Associates, P.C.
Legal options
Good medical care can often minimize or prevent a significant brain injury from one of these medical conditions. Or there can be other ways in which the brain injury could have been prevented. So a lawsuit can be appropriate in some circumstances, depending on what an investigation by a qualified lawyer finds.
Learn more about your legal options
Legal Consultation
The lawyers at Patrick Malone & Associates provide free and confidential consultations to help sort out your legal options.
Contact us or call us at 202-742-1500 or 888-625-6635 toll-free for a free case evaluation. We will respond within 24 hours. There is no charge for our initial consultation.