Patient safety advocates and brand-name drug makers lined up against companies that make generic drugs over just how flexible the standards should be for the clinical testing of biosimilars. These drugs, also known as biogenerics, follow-on biologics and subsequent entry biologics, are officially approved subsequent versions of biopharmaceutical products following patent and exclusivity expiration on….
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Organization reviews health care report cards so you don’t have to
Tired of reading doctor report cards and not knowing which ones to believe? Now there’s an organization that reviews the plethora of health care report cards available online in order to provide you with clear choices about the sites that really do provide accurate and useful information. The Informed Patient Institute provides detailed analysis of….
Continue ReadingDangerous Doctors and Lax Licensing Boards: A National Map
A young health care journalist named William Heisel has put together a fascinating Google map of the United States highlighting case after case of state licensing boards going easy on doctors who abuse drugs, send fraudulent bills or engage in other misconduct. Check it out here. For the latest news on Mr. Heisel’s blog about….
Continue ReadingBoard Certification: Be Careful of the Grandfathers
One routine piece of advice that many of us patient advocates give about scouting a new doctor is to make sure the doctor is certified by one of the boards under the umbrella of the American Board of Medical Specialties. But there’s a “grandfather” issue that patients need to know about even with these boards…..
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